Diagnostic and Therapeutic Antegrade Balloon Assisted Enteroscopy. The cryptococcal antigen test has replaced the India ink stain for rapid diagnosis of meningitis caused by Cryptococcus neoformans or Cryptococcus gattii and should be readily available in most laboratories. Pin On Bacteriology This test is most sensitive when performed on CSF rather than serum. . Some yeasts are pigmented. Be sure there are no. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Retrograde Balloon Assisted Enteroscopy. Heat fixed smears are ready for staining. Although capsules are not required for growth and reproduction of bacterial cells in vitro they do confer several advantages when bacteria grow in. Capsule staining by India ink method at 1000x magnification Place a single drop of India ink on a clean microscope slide adjacent to the frosted edge. The sensitivity and specificity of cryptococcal antigen tests are 90 but false. This is very us...